What Is Port Replacement Surgery in Lap Band Surgery?
The Lap Band Port
Surgeons usually place the lap band port in the abdomen. Sometimes they place it closer to the shoulder. The port may be visible beneath the skin and it can be felt with the fingers.
Reasons for Port Replacement
In about two percent of all patients, according to Dr. Terry Simpson, the lap band port flips, making it impossible to inject any fluid to tighten the band. Sometimes a leak develops in the lap band port so the band does not hold fluid.
Diagnosing the Problem
Doctors discover a flipped port when they prepare to inject fluid into the band. Doctors suspect a leak when a patient does not experience any restriction after a fill. Doctors usually order X-rays to confirm the diagnosis.
Port Replacement
Surgeons usually replace a lap band port by laparoscopic surgery. Surgery is done under general anesthesia. Patients usually return home the same day.
Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to prevent the port from flipping. Using the proper type of needle for fills may reduce the likelihood of leaks in the port, but sometimes they occur anyway.