What Are the Causes of Lap-Band Slippage?
Surgical Technique
Lap-Band slippage occurred more frequently in the past when surgeons commonly used the perigastric technique to place the band. Today, surgeons normally use the pars flaccida technique and slippage is less common.
Not Following Recommended Diet Progression
Following Lap-Band surgery, most surgeons recommend that patients start out on a full liquid diet, then progress to pureed foods, and slowly advance to a regular diet over a period of several weeks. Advancing to solid foods too quickly sometimes causes the band to slip.
Eating too much can stretch the pouch above the band and cause the band to slip. To avoid this, patients should measure their food portions and follow the instructions given by their doctor or dietitian.
Vomiting sometimes causes Lap-Band slippage. Of course, patients never want to vomit, but sometimes it cannot be helped. Following the recommended diet progression, eating only small amounts, and taking any prescribed nausea medications helps prevent vomiting.
Overfilling the Band
If the band is overfilled, slippage may result. For this reason, surgeons generally inject only a small amount of fluid into the band at one time. Patients usually require several fills before getting the right amount of restriction.