How Big Is the Scar From a Lap Band Surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery
Lap band surgery is usually performed laparoscopically, which means the surgeon makes four or five tiny incisions instead of one long incision. Each incision measures less than 1 inch.
Single-incision surgery
Single-incision lap band surgery is a relatively new development, so many bariatric surgeons have not been trained to perform surgery this way. Surgeons perform this operation by making one 4-centimeter incision below the left rib or by making an incision inside the belly button. If the incision is made in the belly button, no visible scar results.
Open surgery
In rare instances, lap band surgery cannot be performed laparoscopically. Surgeons must then make one big incision, which is usually 4 to 6 inches long.
How noticeable are the scars?
Scars from laparoscopic surgery usually fade after a year until they are nearly invisible. However, the scar from an open surgery may be more visible. Remember that everyone heals differently, so it is impossible to predict exactly how your scars will look.
Getting rid of lap band surgery scars
There are a number of creams on the market designed to reduce the appearances of scars, but not all of these are effective. If you choose to have a tummy tuck after losing weight, the plastic surgeon can improve the appearance of your scars at that time.