How to Avoid Skin Lap Band Surgery
Consume a diet consisting of nothing but fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats, wholly avoiding all other types of food and consuming no more than 2,500 calories per day. This means eating nothing but items in their natural state - -unbreaded chicken, turkey, low-fat beef, plain seafood and eggs. You are allowed zero cheat meals per week. Consume one piece of meat, one piece of fruit and one serving of vegetables per meal, aiming to eat four or five times per day. Cook each meal yourself so you can ensure that those are the only ingredients. Wholly abstain from sauces, condiments and other calorie-containing flavoring agents. If you adhere to this approach strictly, you will lose weight and avoid lap band surgery.
Exercise at least five days out of the week, walking at a rapid pace, uphill on a treadmill or outside in a park near your home or around the neighborhood. Aim to perform 45 to 60 minutes of exercise per day. In conjunction with the restricted diet provided above, weight loss is an inevitability.
Consider other bariatric surgery options. Gastric bypass is an alternative to lap band surgery, providing similar results. Thus, if your main objection is to the procedure involved in lap band surgery as opposed to the surgery itself, seek weight loss assistance through alternative surgical means.
Refuse treatment. In the end, no one can force you to have surgery performed. While having lap band surgery might be in your best interests for long-term health, you have to make your own medical decisions, and you always have the right to say no to unwanted surgery.