How do you set up machine for leep procedure?
1. Gather the necessary supplies. You will need:
* A LEEP machine
* A grounding pad
* A speculum
* A colposcope
* A biopsy forceps
* A cautery pencil
* Cotton-tipped applicators
* Gauze
* Normal saline
2. Prepare the patient.
* Explain the procedure to the patient and obtain consent.
* Ask the patient to empty their bladder.
* Place the patient in a lithotomy position.
* Drape the patient with a surgical drape.
3. Connect the LEEP machine to an electrical outlet.
4. Attach the grounding pad to the patient's thigh.
5. Insert the speculum into the patient's vagina.
6. Use the colposcope to visualize the cervix.
7. Inject local anesthetic into the cervix.
8. Attach the biopsy forceps to the LEEP machine.
9. Set the LEEP machine to the desired settings.
10. Perform the LEEP procedure.
11. Stop the LEEP procedure when the desired tissue has been removed.
12. Apply pressure to the cervix with a cotton-tipped applicator to stop the bleeding.
13. Irrigate the vagina with normal saline.
14. Remove the speculum.
15. Allow the patient to rest for a few minutes.
16. Instruct the patient on how to care for themselves after the procedure.