What are the instruments used in exploratory laparotomy?

Exploratory Laparotomy Instruments

* Scalpel: A surgical knife used to make the initial incision.

* Hemostat: A clamp used to stop bleeding.

* Retractor: An instrument used to hold the edges of the incision open.

* Sponge: A small, absorbent pad used to soak up blood and other fluids.

* Scissors: Used to cut tissue.

* Needle driver: An instrument used to hold and guide a needle.

* Suture: A thread used to stitch tissue together.

* Surgical drains: A device used to drain fluids from the surgical site.

In addition to these instruments, other equipment may be used during an exploratory laparotomy, such as:

* Electrocautery: A device that uses electrical energy to cut and cauterize tissue.

* Ultrasound: A device that uses sound waves to create images of the body's internal organs.

* Fluoroscopy: A type of X-ray that allows real-time images of the body's internal organs to be seen.

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