How to Qualify for the Lap Band Procedures
Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) using the BMI Calculator in the Resources section below. To qualify for Lap-Band surgery, your BMI must exceed 40 (or 35 if you have medical conditions related to obesity).
Calculate your ideal weight using the Ideal Weight Calculator in the Resources section below. To qualify for Lap-Band surgery, you must be at least twice your ideal weight, or be at least 100 pounds overweight.
Check your health records to see whether you have been overweight for five years or more. You must also have tried diets and exercises for weight loss and found that they not work. You cannot be suffering from illnesses (as opposed to medical conditions) that contribute to your weight problems, and you cannot be an excessive drinker.
Talk to your doctor. Familiarize yourself with the Lap-Band surgery and how it will affect you. Ascertain whether you are willing to commit to weight loss and healthier living. Decide if you will consent to being monitored on a continuing basis by a Lap-Band doctor. If you fit all these criteria, and are between the ages of 18 and 60, you fit the basic requirements for Lap-Band surgery.