The Benefits of a Lap Band
A lap band is a surgery to help aid in weight loss. It involves the placement of a silicone ring around the stomach so that there is less room for food, which results in decreased food intake.
Patients who have had success with lap band surgery have lost up to 90 percent of their desired weight. People with a body mass index of more than 40 are candidates for the lap band procedure.
Short-Term Benefits
Patients with the lap band procedure immediately start losing weight. Additionally, the procedure is minimally invasive, so the recovery time is extremely short and the risk of death from the surgery is much lower than traditional weight loss surgeries.
Long-Term Benefits
With the significant weight loss that accompanies lap band surgery, the conditions of diabetes, asthma, arthritis and sleep apnea either decrease or disappear.
Lap Band vs. Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass surgery involves incisions, stapling and reconnection of the intestines, while the lap band procedure involves none of that. Because of the minimally invasive nature of the lap band procedure, there are few side effects from lap band surgery that often accompany gastric bypass, such as hernias or intestinal leaks.