What is the Cost of the Lap Band Procedure?
The lap band is a good procedure for those who want to lose weight, but it's not cheap. The price for the Lap Band procedure has declined during the last couple years. Currently, the price ranges from $8,000 to $30,000.
The price of the lap band procedure differs depending on your location. The price can change from one state to the next and even vary from city to city. The surgery is generally cheaper in the south and more expensive in the north.
According to bariatriclearningcenter.com, insurance companies have been slow to approve paying for this surgery. However, as time goes by and more people ask for this surgery--along with pressure from medical professionals--more insurances companies are now covering most of the cost of this procedure.
One of the newest insurances to cover the cost of this surgery is Tricare. This military-based insurance began covering this procedure in 2008 and states that the Lap Band procedure was approved to preserve the health of its beneficiaries.
After your procedure, you will have to follow up with your doctor. These visits range from $35 to $200. Depending on your insurance, you may not have to pay anything. These follow-up visits are vital to a healthy recovery.
If you do not have insurance or your insurance does not cover the lap band procedure, you can take out a line of credit or pay with a credit card. If you are unable to take out a line of credit, you might be able to set up a payment plan with your doctor. The doctor might ask you to pre-pay before the surgery.