Lap Band & Weight Loss
The Procedure
If there are no complications, the operation only takes about an hour to complete. The insertion of the Lap Band is minimally invasive; it's done through a series of small incisions and aided by the use of a small camera; once in place, it is secured with a few sutures. Patients can usually resume some normal activities and return to work in approximately one week.
How it Works
The Lap Band is a silicone strap that goes around the upper part of the stomach, drastically cutting down the amount of food it requires for the patient to feel full. The less food you require, the fewer calories you will consume. Consuming fewer calories while maintaining (or even increasing) activity levels will result in excess pounds and inches lost.
One of the main reasons for success with the Lap Band is its ability to easily be adjusted through a port injected with saline. There is no surgical procedure required---you can go to the doctor's office and have the Lap Band inflated in small increments to continually decrease the portion of the stomach that needs to be filled until the ultimate weight loss goal is achieved. These small increments allow you to comfortably progress on your weight loss journey, and if the band is ever deemed to be too tight it can just as easily be deflated.
The Lap Band procedure represents a huge life change. Despite the fact that the surgery is designed to help remove large quantities of excess weight, you will still have to be very conscious of what goes into your body. At the beginning, a meal plan will be designed by a certified dietitian or nutritionist and for the first week or so will most likely include nothing but liquids as you adjust. You will then move on to soft foods and ultimately solid food of your own choosing, but it is integral that you make healthy choices in order to reap the full benefits of the Lap Band procedure.
It's important to note that not everyone is eligible for the Lap Band procedure---it's suggested that a good candidate should have a minimum body mass index of 40 with no additional health concerns related to obesity, or at least a BMI of 35 along with severe associated health risks related to obesity, like high cholesterol, diabetes and/or hypertension.
Even though Lap Band surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, it still has all of the same potential complications and risks that come with any surgical procedure. It's important to consider a surgeon's background and experience before moving forward with the decision to have the weight loss procedure.