Pregnancy and Lap Band Surgery
The Facts
Struggling with excess weight can be heartbreaking for women looking to have kids. A woman who is 100 pounds or more overweight can struggle with getting pregnant. Many women who are determined to lose weight turn to lap band surgery (also known as adjustable gastric banding) as a solution to their problem. Women who feel stuck with excess fat think lap band surgery is an opportunity for a new life. Diet and exercise just don't work for them and they have more then 100 pounds to lose or a BMI (body mass index) of 40 or more. The lap band surgery is safer then gastric bypass surgery, because it allows women to get more nutrition in their bodies when they're pregnant. According to the National Institute of Health, overweight women who undergo the surgery have improved health and increased chances of pregnancy.
Lap band surgery is an effective way to treat morbid obesity without using staples and cutting on the stomach. Many women have reported safely becoming pregnant after the surgery and losing a significant amount of weight. During surgery, the lap band is placed around the stomach and adjusted to hold the stomach tightly so that you get full faster, this helps you lose weight. The lap band can then be adjusted by using a needle to fill liquid into the lap band, and this determines how tight it is around your stomach. Women that hope to get pregnant by having the lap band surgery can have the band adjusted for more nutrition for the infant or fully removed at any time so it is less risky.
Being overweight is a nightmare for so many people all over the world, but it can affect women emotionally more. The surgery improves your health and gives you confidence to feel beautiful. Many heavy women suffer from high blood pressure, diabetics, shortness of breath, and other health conditions, but losing weight helps eliminate these conditions and help you live a normal life. Women who would never look in the mirror before lap band surgery have more confidence and start to like how their bodies look. The surgery increases chances of women getting pregnant by over 50%, according to the National Institute of Health. The joy of having a healthy sex life and increased pleasure makes overweight women feel life they have new life. The surgery has low risk, and this helps overweight women looking to get pregnant, because they will not worry about vitamin deficiencies.
On the surface, having lap band surgery seems like a miracle cure for morbid obesity, but there are some factors to consider before opting for surgery. The cost of the surgery usually runs about $10,000-$17,000, and some insurance companies don't consider weight loss surgery a medical necessity and may refuse to pay for it. The surgery is for people who are morbid obese (100 pounds or more) so if you have 10-15 pounds to lose this may not be a good option. After surgery, it is required to follow a healthy nutrition plan that includes eating only liquids for 2-3 weeks. The doctor wants to make sure your body is able to handle solid foods so for the first few weeks you may only eat soups. The body may lack needed nutrition so you may be prescribed vitamins to help keep your body strong. Regular doctor visits are needed and it is suggested that you exercise at least 10-15 minutes a day. The surgery may not be effective for everyone wanting to lose weight, eating less and dieting is recommended for maximum weight loss.
The lap band surgery has certain risk that must be considered. Young women considering pregnancy have a risk of not getting enough nutrition to the baby. The lap band may be adjusted many times to accommodate the body to make sure it is getting enough nutrition to the baby. The band can slip as you lose weight, and it can cause you to vomit or get sick. Leakage can come from the band or you can have bleeding and infection. In rare cases, the stomach pouch can became blocked, or the band can go inside your stomach.