How to Get Rid of Nausea After Lap Band Surgery
Ask your surgeon or nurse for some anti nausea medication. The hospital staff will usually offer this right after your surgery, but you might have to ask for it. The anti nausea medication can really help if you take it as instructed. Before your surgery ask if you can also bring in some Gas-X strips, as these have helped a lot of patients get rid of nausea after lap band surgery. Gas-X can help cut down on the gas pains and the nausea you may have.
Walk. Along with nausea you will probably also get a lot of gas pains. Walking will help this pain and discomfort a lot. If you have a treadmill try using that, but keep the settings low. Remember, you did just have surgery so take it easy. Get up during the night when it hurts and pace around the house. Try walking during the day if you have somewhere outside to. Take your spouse or a friend with you on your walks, unless you prefer to walk alone.
Check the pain medication you may be prescribed after the lap band surgery. It could be causing the nausea, but you will probably still need some kind of medication to reduce the amount of pain. You could have liquid Tylenol instead of your pain medication to cut down on the nausea and still get some relief from the pain.
Watch what you eat and drink. Avoid certain foods and beverages, such as chocolate, soda, coffee, sweets, tea, baked goods and alcohol. Smoking can also cause nausea, so now is the perfect time to quit. When you do eat you will need to be careful of how much you eat and how quickly you eat. Take small bites and chew your food well before swallowing. When you have something to drink take small sips. Only have a little food or drink at a time. Having too much too fast will almost certainly cause nausea.
Avoid foods that are too chunky. These foods are difficult to chew thoroughly and can cause nausea or vomiting after lap band surgery. Avoid peanuts, popcorn, pineapple, oranges, mandarins, kiwis and berries. The fibers and seeds in these foods can cause nausea or vomiting. If you want to have foods with a skin, such as apples, mangoes or pears, peel them first.
Stay sitting up for at least three hours after you eat or drink. If you lie down or lay back in a reclining sofa or chair nausea can set in. Stay sitting up straight or try standing for a while after you eat or drink. Standing can help your stomach digest your food and liquids easier and faster with the help of gravity.