Lasik Vs. Custom Lasik

LASIK eye surgery offers a permanent improvement in vision for many people. Two types of LASIK procedures are available: standard LASIK and custom, or wavefront LASIK. While both types reshape the cornea for better refraction, the two procedures differ in cost and the kind of vision correction that can be achieved.
  1. Standard LASIK

    • Standard LASIK surgery has been available since the late 1980s. In this procedure, the eye is measured manually, similar to the traditional eye examination for glasses, and corrections to the cornea are made according to these calculations. Standard LASIK costs start at around $1,000 per eye (as of 2010), with some providers offering lower prices.

    Custom LASIK

    • Custom LASIK uses a tool called an aberrometer to make more detailed measurements of unique aberrations in vision and to pinpoint more precisely the location of the vision problem. This procedure may cost up to $1,000 per eye more than standard LASIK.

    Making the Choice

    • Standard LASIK surgery may not offer optimal vision correction for those with significant aberrations in the eye. Although custom LASIK targets these aberrations more precisely, the eye is dynamic, and aberrations may change over time. Unless the vision problem is located in a relatively stable area of the eye, the benefits of custom LASIK may be limited. The National Institutes of Health and Mayo Clinic recommend discussing both options with a qualified surgeon.

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