How to Remove Pinguecula
Set up an appointment with your health care provider and have him determine whether you have pinguecula. You must be diagnosed with pinguecula before you can proceed with any plans for surgery.
Consult your doctor on which surgical procedures and options are available to you. Typical procedures used to treat pinguecula can include laser eye surgery and grafting. Schedule your procedure once you've determined which option is best. Your health status will determine what surgical procedures are available for your case.
Follow any preoperative steps provided by your doctor in order to properly prepare for your upcoming surgery. Common preoperative steps for eye surgery can include avoiding the use of eye contacts and eye makeup in order to reduce the risk of infection and avoiding the consumption of alcohol a few days before your surgery.
Proceed with the procedure to remove your pingueculae. Removal of pinguecula often results in scarring and may take several weeks to fully heal. Consult with your doctor if you feel any complications may have arisen from the surgery.