What Is the Latest Technology in Lasik?

LASIK is a procedure that uses laser technology to permanently reshape the cornea and correct vision problems. It is a short, relatively painless surgery, and eyesight is typically improved by the next day.
  1. Function

    • LASIK corrects irregularities in the cornea's shape, so light rays can focus properly on the retina and improve blurry vision, according to MedlinePlus.


    • During LASIK, the surgeon makes a small, precise, circular cut in the cornea. The flap is opened, and an excimer laser is used to remove tiny bits of tissue and reshape the cornea.

    Wavefront Technology

    • Wavefront or "custom" LASIK is the latest in new technologies, according to AllAboutVision.com. It takes three-dimensional measurements of how your eyes see contrast and images, and provides a customized map for the laser to reshape the cornea.


    • Wavefront LASIK improves your vision and ability to see fine details in different levels of light. Chances for achieving 20/20 vision or better are greater than with standard LASIK.


    • Wavefront LASIK will not resolve all eye defects, and you must be a strong candidate for the procedure based on your corneal thickness and condition.

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