What Is the Latest Technology in Lasik?
LASIK corrects irregularities in the cornea's shape, so light rays can focus properly on the retina and improve blurry vision, according to MedlinePlus.
During LASIK, the surgeon makes a small, precise, circular cut in the cornea. The flap is opened, and an excimer laser is used to remove tiny bits of tissue and reshape the cornea.
Wavefront Technology
Wavefront or "custom" LASIK is the latest in new technologies, according to AllAboutVision.com. It takes three-dimensional measurements of how your eyes see contrast and images, and provides a customized map for the laser to reshape the cornea.
Wavefront LASIK improves your vision and ability to see fine details in different levels of light. Chances for achieving 20/20 vision or better are greater than with standard LASIK.
Wavefront LASIK will not resolve all eye defects, and you must be a strong candidate for the procedure based on your corneal thickness and condition.