How Long Do Eyes Hurt After Laser Surgery?
LASIK surgery is common form of laser surgery used to correct vision. The Los Angeles Times states that 8 million Americans undergo LASIK surgery every year. The success of the procedure is widespread, but recovery time is important and side effects can occur.-
Patients have reported mild pain following the procedure. Some have experienced itching or burning or the sensation of a foreign object in the eye. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication. Any pain usually reduces significantly within the first few days.
Causes of Pain
Pain immediately following the procedure can often be attributed to the speculum device used to hold the eye open. Involuntary spasms of the eyelid can also cause discomfort and may cause more severe pain if spasms dislodge the corneal flap. Most discomfort from these causes abates within the first 24 to 48 hours.
Long-term Pain
It may take as long as three to six months for your vision to fully stabilize. Mild side effects can include blurred vision, halo auras around lighted objects or dry eyes. Long-term pain is uncommon; persistent pain should be reported to your physician immediately.
Use of eye shields immediately following surgery and adherence to prescribed limits on activity should be practiced strictly to avoid complications or unnecessary damage or pain.
Most patients undergoing LASIK surgery experience a pain-free procedure and recovery. Most people no longer require glasses or contact lenses following surgery, though it is common for reading glasses to become necessary by age 40 to 45.