Why Does Laser Corrective Surgery Cause Dry Eyes?
Laser Eye Surgery
Laser surgery is the process of concentrating laser energy under a thin layer of tissue, or flap, created specifically for the surgery, to reshape the cornea. Laser surgery can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.
The Flap
The cornea nerves can be severed temporarily during the process of making the flap, which disrupts the signal of the lacrimal gland that produces tears when your eyes are dry or irritated.
It is recommended that you tell your surgeon if you have a history of dry eyes, and any medications you may take for this condition, before surgery. Punctal plugs could be put in place before the operation to protect the tear film while you heal, and ensure a comfortable post-operative period.
Dry eyes are very common among patients of laser surgery, and your surgeon will prescribe eye drops to use as directed.
Healing Time
Post-surgery dry eyes are temporary, and will decrease over a few months until your tear film is completely healed.