Eyelift Surgery Procedures
During eyelift surgery, the surgeon removes excess skin that is giving the face a droopy, tired look. By lifting and reattaching the remaining skin, the surgeon gives your face a more youthful appearance. If the excess skin is obstructing your vision, removing it will improve your sight.
A newer method of eyelift surgery uses lasers to make incisions. This significantly cuts down on bleeding, which also reduces post surgery risks. The results are the same as with the traditional type of eyelift surgery.
Laser eyelid surgery takes between one to three hours, and you will probably be under local anesthesia and a sedative, according to DocShop.com. However, because there is no cutting with a knife or scalpel, laser eyelid surgery is usually an outpatient procedure. If you choose this method, be sure that you have someone that will drive you to and home from the surgery and someone who can stay with you for the first night, states the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
According to DocShop.com, there will be less swelling, discoloration and bruising with laser surgery.You will have a shorter recovery time as well. With traditional eyelift surgery, you can expect recovery to take several weeks. Patients can experience redness and swelling. During this time, you must make sure your eyes get plenty of rest. In addition, until you heal, you should wear darkly tinted sunglasses, reports the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Most people are awake under local anesthesia during a traditional eyelift procedure. However, you can request general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep, if you wish. Furthermore, while scarring is minimal with traditional eyelift surgery, there is even less chance of scarring with laser surgery, reports DocShop.com. Although the results for laser eyelift surgery are long-lasting or even permanent for some people, others may require a touch-up.
According to DocShop.com, it is important the surgeon does not overdo the correction during your eyelift. Otherwise, you may end up looking permanently surprised.