Can Lasik Dry Eye Cause Bad Vision?
Dry eye can cause irritation, grittiness, the feeling that something is in the eye and intermittent blurry, hazy or double vision.
Your vision is at its best when the eye surface is protected, and kept moist and smooth by the normal tear film, which consists of oil, water and mucus. Without adequate tear film, the surface dries and is no longer smooth, resulting in blurred or foggy vision, much like looking through frosted glass.
Severing corneal nerves during the Lasik procedure can result in decreased sensitivity of the cornea. This compromises the ability of the cornea to transmit information to tear-producing glands.
Medication Interactions
Many prescription and over-the-counter medications, particularly antihistamines and certain allergy medications, can dry out mucous membranes, aggravating dry eyes and surface irritation.
Left untreated, chronic dry eye can lead to inflammation, infection, surface damage, permanent vision problems or even blindness.
Do not rub your eyes for at least three months after Lasik surgery. Protect your eyes with sunglasses or sports goggles when you are outdoors. For severe dry eye, use protective goggles designed specifically for dry eyes to help prevent moisture evaporation when sleeping or using the computer.