Side Effects of Eye Laser Surgery

Laser eye surgery reshapes the cornea so that the light traveling through it is properly focused to the retina. The surgery works in about 80 percent of patients and can correct near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism. While the FDA has found no long-term side effects with this surgery, there are problems that can occur during this highly technical procedure.
  1. Glare/Halos

    • After laser eye surgery, some people find that auras surrounding lights grow larger than normal. This can cause problems with driving at night.

    Dry Eyes

    • Dry eyes are common after laser eye surgery. They may feel scratchy and itchy. Your eye doctor, in most cases, will provide you with prescription eye drops to help combat this problem.

    Eye Redness

    • There may be spots of red in the white of the eyes after laser surgery. They are harmless and will go away on their own.

    Vision Fluctuations

    • In the first months after laser eye surgery, there may be vision fluctuations. One day vision may be clear, the next day it may be blurry.

    Corneal Scarring

    • Corneal scarring is caused by infection or by corneal flap problems. For treatment, a corneal transplant may be necessary. This is the most dreaded side effects of laser eye surgery, but it is very rare.

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