What to Avoid After a Mastectomy
Heavy Lifting or Strenuous Activity
This may seem obvious, but it is extremely important to let your body heal while you are in the recovery phase after a mastectomy. Do not engage in any heavy lifting or strenuous activity until the stitches are removed and your doctor clears you for physical activity. Walking is fine.
Touching or Removing Your Stitches and Bandages
Do not touch your stitches after the mastectomy. By touching the stitches, you will increase the risk for infection, as it has the potential to introduce germs into an open wound. The doctors will remove your bandages after seven to 10 days in a sanitary environment.
Driving or Consuming Alcohol
This may seem obvious but you will likely be prescribed painkillers after your surgery, which are considered narcotics. Driving while under the influence of narcotics is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. While consuming narcotics, the consumption of alcohol should be avoided.