How to Determine the Best Time to Have Mastectomy Surgery

Deciding the best time to have mastectomy surgery is a difficult decision to make. Your doctor will likely have you schedule surgery for your earliest possible time. You will want to know the process by which he comes to that decision. Here is how to determine the best time to have mastectomy surgery.


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      Schedule your regular visit with your family doctor. Your doctor will examine your breasts. Upon examination, your doctor will recommend whether or not you will need to see a specialist for further examination.

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      Meet with a specialist at your family doctor's request to have your breasts examined. The specialist will check for any enlarged lymph glands under your arms and at the base of your neck. The swollen glands, known as lumps, are the first sign of breast cancer.

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      If the specialist requests, you will undergo more examinations to detect the possibility of cancer. Some of these tests include a mammogram, a biopsy and an ultrasound.

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      Bring any information on your family history with cancer to the doctor so they can research your case along with your test results. This will help them understand your case so they can give you the best treatment possible.

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      Discuss the results with your doctor and your family. It's very important that you schedule the pre-op physical and surgery as soon as your doctor recommends. The best time for you to have a mastectomy is as soon as possible after your doctor confirms you have cancer.

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