How to Plan for Mastectomy Surgery
Things You'll Need
- Internet access
- Computer
Gather information about mastectomy surgery. Use the Internet to visit the official breast cancer Web site (see Resources below) for the most current information where you can gain access to a number of resources in one location. Visit the library and purchase medical journals to keep you up to date as well.
Check in with the many independent organizations dedicated to breast cancer information, awareness and community. The Susan G. Komen Foundation, Gilda's Club and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation all offer supplemented or free services and can be found online. There are also support groups and information available through these Web sites.
Look into breast reconstruction. The Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA) of 1998 requires that health care providers who give mastectomy benefits also provide some kind of reconstructive and post-mastectomy coverage.
Let your doctor know any important information. You will need to divulge if you are pregnant or nursing. Also, inform him or her about any allergies or bad reactions to anesthesia or medications and about any medications that you are taking for other medical conditions.
Write your questions down on paper and bring them to your doctor. Many people report that being informed and engaged is an enormous source of comfort.
Make arrangements. You can expect to be in the hospital for at least two days and will not be able to resume your daily activities for a few weeks. Having someone to help you with everyday tasks at home will help you recover more quickly.
Listen to instructions. Refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and taking medications, supplements and vitamins during the recommended time before the surgery. This period usually lasts between 6 and 12 hours prior to the procedure. During this time, clear liquids may be allowed.