How to Adjust the Occlusion of a Peristaltic Pump
Adjust the gap between the roller and the circular frame. The smaller the gap, the more squeezing pressure that will be applied to the fluid within the tubing as the roller rotates inside the pump. This can be accomplished by manually shifting the rollers farther away from the axis of the rotor, thus decreasing their distance from the circular housing frame.
Use tubing with different wall thickness. The thicker the wall of your tube, the more occluded the fluid will become as the roller rotates. Tubing with a thin wall will apply less squeezing pressure on the fluid, thus decreasing the occlusion of the pump. Changing tube thickness has a greater impact on occlusion than adjusting the gap. This is because occlusion is proportional to two times the wall thickness multiplied by the gap.
Prepare replacement tubing as needed. Adjusting the occlusion not only alters the efficiency of the pump but also the lifespan of the tubing. By increasing the occlusion, you are squeezing the tubing with greater force, which will wear out the tubing material faster.