How to Wean After Cardiac Surgery
Increase physical activity while wearing oxygen. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, fatigue is often a side effect of cardiac surgery. Fatigue makes it difficult to be physically active without oxygen. Begin with minimal amounts of activity while wearing oxygen. Every day, gradually increase the amount and level of activity while wearing oxygen. For example, the first day, sit up on the side of the bed. The next day, stand up. The following day, walk a few feet with assistance.
Decrease the amount of oxygen gradually. Consider talking to your physician about weaning off oxygen when physical activity becomes easier to accomplish while wearing oxygen. Decrease the amount of oxygen slowly as directed by the physician. For example, if you are on 6 liters per minute of oxygen, turn it down to 5 liters per minute. When you can perform physical activity without difficulty on 5 liters, consider turning down the oxygen to 4 liters per minute.
Increase levels of activity alternating with and without oxygen. Remove the oxygen while performing physical activity for short periods. Put the oxygen back on when resting or sooner if needed. Gradually increase the amount of time without oxygen while decreasing the time with oxygen.
Stay active without oxygen. Begin increasing the amount and level of activity after weaning off oxygen. Stay active longer, and take rest breaks as needed. Increase the level of activity by performing tasks that are more strenuous, such as climbing stairs, cycling or lifting 20 lb. or more.