What Are the Benefits of Heart Valve Replacement?
Heart valve disease results when one of the valves that regulate blood flow away from the heart begins to work improperly. In some instances, medication or surgery to repair the valve will suffice. Other cases require valve replacement.
Mechanical valves are made of man-made materials like metal or plastic; biological (tissue) valves are made from cows, pigs or human cadavers. Your doctor can help you understand the pros and cons of either choice.
"Factors weighed include your age, your occupation, the size of your valve, how well your heart is working, your heart's rhythm, your ability to take an anticoagulant, and how many new valves you need," according to the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine.
Durability is one of the primary benefits of heart valve replacement using mechanical valves. Unlike biological valves, mechanical valves often last a lifetime, so you won't need to undergo repeat procedures. However, with tissue-based valves you won't need lifelong aspirin therapy, a necessity for those who have mechanical valves.
New Advances
Minimally invasive heart valve replacement surgery is a new procedure that requires a much smaller incision area. Patients enjoy the benefits of less time in the hospital, faster overall recovery and less pain.
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