How to Recover From a Heart Transplant
Take your prescribed medications at the proper time every day. Missing even one day or taking one pill late can impact your health as you recover from your heart transplant. Educating yourself on what each medication is for and why you must take it can help you to remember the importance of getting each medication into your body at the right time. Knowing the side effects of each medication can help you prepare yourself for feeling sick or having mood swings because of the medication you are taking.
Eat a proper diet daily along with regular exercise. Your diet should be low in fat and low in sodium to help combat high blood pressure that can be a negative side effect of some medications. Remember to stay away from raw foods that can easily cause food poisoning, buffets and potlucks, because this type of food presentation often have foods that are not warm enough or chilled enough and can promote germ spreading easily.
Stay safe from infections that can be spread when in contact with other people. If you're in a large group setting or with someone who has a cold, wear a mask to cover your mouth for the first year following your heart transplant. Because your immune system is compromised after a heart transplant, something as minor as a cold can turn into something much more serious.
Surround yourself with a good support system. Attend transplant groups to discuss problems or concerns you have, share stories about your recovery or go just to be around people who know what you are going through. Having a good support system can often help people recover more quickly.