How to a Pulse Oximeter

A pulse oximeter is a small device that measures your blood oxygen level and pulse rate. It's a painless, non-invasive test that can be done in a doctor's office, hospital, or at home.

How to use a pulse oximeter:

1. Wash your hands and the oximeter probe with soap and water. This will help to prevent infection.

2. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

3. Place the oximeter probe on your fingertip. The probe should be snug, but not too tight.

4. Press the power button to turn on the oximeter.

5. Wait for the oximeter to display your blood oxygen level and pulse rate.

6. Record your results.

Normal blood oxygen levels are between 95% and 100%. A pulse rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute is normal for adults.

If your blood oxygen level or pulse rate is abnormal, talk to your doctor.

Here are some tips for getting an accurate reading from a pulse oximeter:

* Don't smoke or use any tobacco products for at least 30 minutes before using the pulse oximeter.

* Avoid using the pulse oximeter on a finger with nail polish or fake nails.

* Don't move your hand or fingers while the oximeter is taking your reading.

* If you have cold hands or feet, warm them up before using the pulse oximeter.

Pulse oximeters are a useful tool for monitoring your blood oxygen level and pulse rate. By following these tips, you can get an accurate reading and help to keep yourself healthy.

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