What is the function of valves which connect two heart chambers?

Valves connect the chambers of the heart and ensure that blood flows in the correct direction through the heart chambers and out to the body. When a chamber contracts, its valve opens while at the same time the valve at the exit of the receiving chamber (or to the artery) remains closed, ensuring unidirectional flow. They prevent backward flow of blood within the heart which would reduce the efficiency of pumping. The four valves of the heart include Mitral (bicuspid) valve- it connects the left atrium to the left ventricle.

Pulmonary valve- from the right ventricle to the pulmonary trunk (to lungs).

Aortic valve- The aorta leads blood away from the left ventricle (systemic circulation).

Tricuspid valve- it connects the right atrium to the right ventricle.

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