What was the ethical dilema that cardiac surgeon could have been faced with if John Q took his own life?
Patient autonomy: The surgeon would have had to respect John Q's right to make decisions about his own medical care, even if those decisions seemed misguided or self-destructive. This principle of patient autonomy requires doctors to listen to and respect their patients' wishes, even if they disagree with them.
Duty to preserve life: The surgeon is ethically obligated to do everything reasonable to preserve the life of a patient, including providing lifesaving surgery or other interventions. In John Q's case, this would conflict with his right to self-determination, potentially requiring the hospital to intervene to keep him alive even against his wishes.
Resource allocation: The surgeon is faced with the question of how to allocate medical resources fairly, taking into account patients' needs and potential outcomes. There are a limited number of organs and surgeries available, and deciding who should receive treatment while others don't is fraught with ethical challenges.
Public trust in medicine: The potential suicide of a patient after being denied treatment could raise profound questions about the role of hospitals, doctors, and society in caring for its citizens. It could erode public trust in healthcare facilities and challenge assumptions about how decisions are made regarding health interventions.
Ultimately, the cardiac surgeon and hospital administrators' responses to the situation presented in John Q could shape public perceptions of patient care, medical interventions, and the delicate balance between individual rights and public welfare in difficult and emotional cases.