How do you know if need Tommy john surgery?
Tommy John surgery is typically recommended for people who have a complete tear of the UCL. A complete tear occurs when the ligament is completely separated from the bone. Symptoms of a complete UCL tear include:
* Pain on the inside of the elbow
* Swelling and bruising on the inside of the elbow
* Instability of the elbow
* Inability to throw a ball without pain
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis. The doctor will likely order an MRI scan to confirm the diagnosis of a complete UCL tear.
If you have a complete UCL tear, Tommy John surgery is the best way to repair the ligament and restore stability to the elbow. The surgery is performed by making a small incision on the inside of the elbow and then removing the damaged UCL. A healthy tendon from another part of the body is then used to reconstruct the UCL.
Tommy John surgery is a successful surgery that has a high success rate. Most people who have the surgery are able to return to their previous level of activity, including sports.
Here are some specific signs and symptoms that may indicate you need Tommy John surgery:
* Persistent pain on the inside of your elbow that does not improve with rest, ice, and pain medication
* Swelling and bruising on the inside of your elbow
* Difficulty throwing a ball without pain
* Instability or a feeling of looseness in your elbow
* A popping or snapping sensation in your elbow when you throw a ball
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and determine if Tommy John surgery is the right treatment for you.