How to Explore Alternatives to Open Heart Surgery
Understand What Open Heart Surgery Involves
Know that open heart surgery is considered an invasive procedure, in which the chest cavity is opened up and the blood routed through a special pump machine while the surgery is being performed.
Be aware that other, less invasive types of open heart surgery are being explored and developed.
Understand that you may have to explore alternatives if you are deemed too weak for open heart surgery or you are considered to be a poor surgery candidate for another reason.
Explore Alternatives
Embrace change. Lifestyle changes can dramatically affect a person's health. If these changes are made early enough, the patient may be able to avoid open heart surgery.
Make yourself aware of medications that can help the heart to pump, thereby (in some cases) reducing the need for open heart surgery. One such type of medication is called a "beta adrenergic blocking agent," which helps the heart pump more efficiently.
Be aware that certain heart conditions can be treated with minimally invasive surgery, as opposed to open heart surgery. In one type of procedure, a catheter is inserted into a small incision in the body and directed to the heart, where a balloon is inflated, opening the narrowed passage. These are often called "keyhole" procedures.
Speak to a nutritionist or dietitian at your hospital and explore how to strengthen your system as a whole with food and supplements. You can call your insurance provider for a referral or obtain one from your doctor.