How to Care for Adhesions
If you experience intense pain after a surgery, you may be dealing with an adhesion. Adhesions are scars that form abnormal connections between bodily tissues that aren't normally connected. Caring for these adhesions is vital to cure the pain that they cause. Adhesions can be cured with the help of a medical professional in only a few weeks and require no special tools on your part.Instructions
Consult a medical professional about how to proceed treating the adhesions. Be sure to explain where the pain is being felt and any movement restrictions that you are experiencing.
Have a medical professional cut the adhesion scar. This procedure is known as adhesiolysis and can reduce the pain involved with adhesions.
Have an adhesion barrier put in place after the adhesion has been cut. The barrier will protect your tissue against adhesions and dissolve when it is no longer needed.
Dealing With the Pain
Consult a pain specialist about the adhesion pain.
Utilize prescribed drug treatments and physical therapy sessions to get over adhesion pain. Often surgical procedures are not necessary to cure the adhesion pain and a simple set of therapy sessions will suffice.
Have a neuroablative procedure performed by a medical professional if the drug and physical therapy methods do not work. Neuroablative procedures involve cutting certain nerves at the source of the pain.