How Organ Donation Saves Lives
According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, an average of 68 organ transplants are performed in the United States daily. Medical experts believe organ donations save and improve the quality of life of the recipients. According to statistics from the National Health Service, over 1,000 people die every year in the U.K. from issues that could have been prevented if more organs were available for donation.
It is fairly straightforward to become an organ donor. Those interested should make their wishes known to family members. It is also necessary to sign up at the local state donor registry. Individuals also can declare their wish to become donors by stating this on their drivers' licenses; this can be done when a license is obtained or renewed. A potential donor can also print off, sign and carry a donor card.
Not all organ donations succeed immediately. There is a risk that the body of person that received the organ may reject it. This can be prevented by taking medications that suppress the immune system. However, these have to be taken for the rest of the recipient's life.