What are the 4 steps of maneuver?

The four steps of maneuver are:

Step 1: Preparation

- Set up the maneuver you want to perform

- Make sure proper conditions for the maneuver

- Check the environment and make sure it's clear

- Communicate your intentions to other pilots

- Have a plan B in case the maneuver doesn't work out

Step 2: Execution

- Execute the maneuver smoothly

- Maintain control of the aircraft

- Be aware of the surrounding environment and other aircraft

- Make corrections if necessary

Step 3: Continuation

- Continue the maneuver until you reach the desired outcome

- Make sure the aircraft is in a safe and stable condition

- Be prepared to transition to another maneuver

Step 4: Recovery

- Recover from the maneuver safely and smoothly

- Bring the aircraft back to level flight

- Make sure the aircraft is in a stable condition and under control

- Check the environment and make sure it's clear

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