What do the abbreviations mean on an ultrasound scan?
2D: Two-dimensional ultrasound images
3D: Three-dimensional ultrasound images
4D: Four-dimensional ultrasound images that also capture movement over time
AFI: Amniotic fluid index
AC: Abdominal circumference
APGAR: Apgar score, which assesses the newborn's health at 1 and 5 minutes after birth
BPD: Biparietal diameter of the fetal head
CRL: Crown-rump length of the fetus
EDD: Estimated due date
EFW: Estimated fetal weight
FH: Femur length
FL: Foot length
FT: Fundal height
GA: Gestational age
HAD: Head circumference
HL: Humerus length
HR: Heart rate
IUP: Intrauterine pregnancy
IVF: In vitro fertilization
LMP: Last menstrual period
NT: Nuchal translucency
OFD: Occipitofrontal diameter of the fetal head
PD: Pubic bone diameter
SD: Standard deviation
TBW: Total body water
TVS: Transvaginal ultrasound
UA: Uterine artery
UD: Umbilical artery
USG: Ultrasound scan