The steps common to the operation of all AEDs in correct order?
1. _Check the victim for responsiveness::_ Gently shake and shout to the victim, "_Are you okay?_" If the victim is unresponsive, call for help and start CPR if you are trained.
2. _Turn on the AED::_ Most AEDs will power on automatically when you open the case. If the AED does not power on automatically, press the power button.
3. _Attach the AED pads::_ Follow the instructions on the AED to attach the pads to the victim's chest. The pads should be placed in the designated areas on the chest.
4. _Analyze the victim's heart rhythm::_ The AED will analyze the victim's heart rhythm and determine if a shock is needed.
5. _Deliver a shock (if necessary)::_ If the AED determines that a shock is needed, it will instruct you to clear the area and stand back. The AED will then deliver a shock to the victim.
6. _Continue CPR (if necessary)::_ If the victim does not start breathing or if their pulse does not return, continue CPR until help arrives.
7. _Follow the prompts of the AED::_ The AED will provide instructions throughout the process. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully.