How to Use a Surgical Hemostat
Things You'll Need
- Hemostat
- 2-by-2 inch gauze
Verify sterilization. Ensure that the surgical hemostat completed the proper sterilization prior to patient use. You can accomplish this by checking the sterilization log that accompanies each sterilizer, or checking the sterilization sticker placed on the vacuum seal that contained the hemostats. You may also verify that the vacuum seal was not damaged or broken prior to opening. If you cannot verify the sterility of the hemostats, then the instrument must undergo full sterilization prior to patient use.
Don gloves or protective equipment. To practice proper infection control, you must don protective equipment prior to handling any surgical item that may come in contact with a patient. You must don the proper gloves, eyewear, headgear and gown prior to the beginning of the procedure. In addition, the type of procedure to be performed may not require the maintenance of a sterile field and you may not be required to wear sterile gloves.
Inspect the hemostats for cleanliness. Check the hemostats for the presence of water staining that may remain following the steam sterilization process. You may also wish to check for the presence of rust and debris on the hemostats. If debris, rust or staining is found, then follow your section's guidelines of decontamination and instrument disposal.
Inspect the hemostats for function. You must ensure that hemostats function properly prior to use with the patient. First place your thumb and index finger into the bottom and top rings respectively. Then open and close the hemostats using a squeezing motion. You should inspect the jaws to ensure that they open and close evenly. Inspect the shaft of the hemostats to ensure that it is not bent or misaligned. You must also inspect the ratchet assembly to ensure that it locks and unlocks without hindrance. The ratchet must also remain locked without premature release. You can verify this by locking the hemostats down on a 2x2 gauze to inspect function. In addition, ensure that additional hemostats are also prepared for inspection and use.
Operate the hemostats. As described above, begin operation by placing the thumb and index finger in the hemostat rings. Open, close and secure the hemostats by using a squeezing motion of the hand. The hemostat must function properly throughout the surgical procedure. Flex your hand in between use to avoid cramping or muscle strain. Ensure that hemostats of the proper size are used with the indicated procedure.
Prepare hemostats for decontamination. Many healthcare facilities soak used durable surgical items in an approved solution prior to decontamination. This is done to prevent the hardening of bio-material during the transfer to decontamination. Surgical Items must be soaked in an approved chemical solution. You must also ensure that no used or contaminated surgical instruments come in contact with clean or sterilized instruments during transfer. All disposable items must be placed in an an approved container for storage and transportation purposes.