What Is 5 Ethibond?
Surgical sutures size or diameter is usually indicated by a number of zeroes, such as 5-0 (also written 00000). The Ethicon product catalog lists 5 Ethibond with no zeroes, but it comes in multiple lengths and with various swaged-on (attached) needles. Ethibond also comes in other sizes, from 1 to 6.
The authors of "Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist" describe 5 Ethibond as useful in eye surgery and tendon repair. The Heart Surgery Forum mentions other uses, including in open-heart surgery to repair the sternum. In fracture repair tension banding, it is comparable to stainless steel wire.
In "Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist," the authors note that 5 Ethibond is a little hard to handle and tie, and that it holds knots poorly. H.W. Boothe, Jr., DVM, MS, recommends using at least four throws of a knot when tying nylon suture, which would include 5 Ethibond. E.J.C. Van Rijssel, et al, writing in "Obstetrics & Gynecology," support this by showing that using more knot throws is less traumatic to tissue than using a larger suture size.