How to Become an Egg Donor in New York
Apply through a New York egg donation agency of your choice. Make sure you are eligible under their requirements. Different programs set their own eligibility requirements. Generally, you must be at least 21 years old, but no older than 35 years old to become an egg donor.
Egg donation agencies in New York include the Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York Egg Donation Program, a fertility center with offices in Manhattan, White Plains and Long Island. The Northeast Assisted Fertility Group also has a Manhattan location, and the New York chapter of the Donor Source of New England is licensed and approved by the New York Health Department. These and many other programs are available for potential egg donors statewide.
Begin the screening process if your application is approved by a New York agency; this involves a series of physical and psychological tests. The physical examinations may include a pelvic exam, blood tests and an ultrasound to examine the health of your reproductive organs. You will need to disclose a detailed medical and psychological history for you and your blood relatives, and answer questions about your use of cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs.
The psychological screening will determine your willingness to be an egg donor and your comfort with the donation process. It will also ensure you meet the requirements for egg donation and do not suffer from a serious psychological disorder.
According to the New York state guide on egg donation, if you pass these screenings, you will be accepted as an egg donor.
Begin the donation procedure once you are selected as a donor through a New York donation agency. Final acceptance lies with the couple seeking a donor. You will not donate your eggs until you are specifically chosen. The exact donation process will vary depending on the agency. First, you will take a series of fertility drugs to stimulate your ovaries to produce many eggs at once.
Submit to minor surgery to have the eggs removed from your uterus. Once you have recovered from the procedure, your role in the donation process is complete.