How Do I Repair the ACL With a Hamstring Graft?

The ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is located within your knee. An ACL repair, or reconstruction, uses a graft from your own body. In most instances, the reconstruction involves the use of one of your hamstring tendons. If doctors can't obtain a graft from your own body, they can use donor material instead. An ACL surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, unless a complication with the surgery arises.

Things You'll Need

  • Physical exam
  • Blood tests
  • Urine test
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    • 1
      Get examined by your physician.

      Undergo a physical examination to determine if you're able to have surgery. A physical exam will include your medical history, blood tests and a urine test. If you have a history of heart disease, the doctor may also need an X-ray of your chest.

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      Meet with a physical therapist before your scheduled surgery. Seeing a physical therapist can help prepare you for the outcome of your surgery, which may include learning how to walk on crutches and the exercises needed to strengthen your knee.

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      Portal holes will be drilled into your knee.

      Undergo surgery using either general anesthesia or a spinal anesthesia. Expect the surgeon to make portals, or openings, into your knee for the surgical instruments to be inserted in order to perform the hamstring graft.

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      Allow your surgeon to place a tube in your knee. This tube provides drainage to prevent fluid retention around your knee.

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      Let your surgeon place a CPM (continuous passive motion) machine on your knee after your surgery. The machine will use motion to help release stiffness in your knee.

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      See your surgeon the day after your surgery to have the tube removed from your knee. Get fitted for a knee brace and wear the brace as recommended by your surgeon.

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