Surgical Table Requirements for a Vascular Surgeon
Vascular surgery involves being able to visualize the blood vessels of the body not only in the operative site, but also throughout the body to make sure the procedure was successful and nothing was damaged. Accomplishing this often requires a fluoroscopic machine, also known as an X-ray machine. The surgical table must be free of metal plates and have enough clearance below the bed and arm boards to accommodate the X-ray machine.
Vascular cases are often performed on the extremities. Operations performed on the arm require a special arm board that becomes a miniature operating table for the arm. The surgical table must be capable of accommodating these attachments. Procedures done on the leg often require the patient to be turned slightly to the side, which, because it is needed intraoperatively, may require the table to be able to tilt left and right.
The surgical table must be able to move in such a way that allows the surgeon to be near the operative site, which can be on any part of the body. It needs to be able to be raised and lowered for sitting or standing cases, to slide up and down for head and neck cases and to unlock and roll for repositioning.