General Objectives in an Operating Room
One of the important objectives in any operating room is to keep everything sterile. If a patient is going to be cut open for surgery, then there should be as few bacteria and pathogens present as possible. This means that surgical garb should be worn, proper soaping and rinsing should take place and appropriate protective wear, such as surgical gloves, should be worn by surgeons. All unauthorized personnel should be kept out of the operating room as well, since they may bring outside contaminants in with them if they aren't properly cleansed before entering.
Anytime there's a surgery happening in an operating room, the goal is always to complete the procedure and to help the patient. This means that all personnel who are observing the surgery need to be aware of what's happening, properly trained and familiar with both the patient and the surgery being performed on them. This also means that the team performing the procedure should work well together, with everyone knowing their roles, from the anesthesiologist to the head surgeon and everyone in between.
While not always a part of surgery, there are many times that medical students are allowed to observe procedures being done. In these cases, the surgery takes on a new aspect of educational importance for the students. In these circumstances, it's important that students carefully observe, become familiar with operating room procedures and that they see how proper operations are conducted within an operating theater. Sometimes students may also be asked to help within the scope of their own experience.