Organizations That Control Organ Donations
Life Net Health
Life Net Health is a provider of organ and tissue donations in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This organization uses skilled professionals and quality medical equipment to save lives and restore health. Life Net Health's Donor Family Services Department organizes the donation process. The Department helps grieving families with the donation process. Families are also provided with grief support and resources for healthy mourning. On Life Net Health's official website, anyone can sign up to become an organ donor. Transplant services at Life Net Health provide venues for recipients to express their thanks to families of the lost. According to a report from WAVY-TV, Sentara Heart Hospital in Virginia Beach performed its 300th heart transplant surgery in May of 2010 with a donation organized by Life Net Health.
Life Net Health
1864 Concert Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23453-1903
Donate Life America
Donate Life America is an organization that connects transplant donors with receivers. Donate Life America chapters are located through out the United States for local care. At these local centers, recipients can receive personal attention. The Third Annual National Donor Designation Report Card prepared by Donate Life America, states that 86.3 million people were enrolled in state donor registries in 2009. The organization makes sure people in need receive the organ donations to save lives.
Donate Life America
700 N. Fourth Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Life Center
Life Center controls organ and tissue donation in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. As of 2010, over 3,000 people were waiting for an organ or transplant donation in Ohio. The Life Center gives hope to those on waiting lists. This organization also gives understanding to those who may be unsure about becoming organ donors. Life Center provides opportunities for volunteers and financial donations. Educational outreach programs are organized in the Greater Cincinnati area, providing people with stories of hope and saving lives.
615 Elsinore Place
Suite 400
Cincinnati, OH 45202