How to Recover From a Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini abdominoplasty is sometimes referred to as a mini tummy tuck. While the procedure takes a surgeon less time to perform than a full abdominoplasty and the incision is usually smaller, it is still major surgery and can present recovery challenges. Not the least of these challenges is the fact that because of where the incision is made, you may have difficulty bending to perform everyday tasks. Planning for your period of recovery can simplify your life and make your healing process smoother.

Things You'll Need

  • Bandage dressings
  • Pillows
  • Nutritious foods
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  1. Before Surgery

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      Arrange for help with your children for a few days after surgery; have your laundry taken care of; fill prescriptions and buy bandage dressings; and make sure you have a comfortable place to rest, including extra pillows to keep your upper body elevated and to place under your knees. Place anything you expect you'll need during your recovery period at waist level or higher so you don't have to bend over. Also, make arrangements for someone to give you a lift home and to stay with you for a couple of days after surgery.

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      Learn everything you can about a mini tummy tuck. The more you know, the less surprised you will be by what you'll face during recovery. Ask your doctor what you can do to assist the healing process.

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      Watch your diet. Studies have shown that certain amino acids can help you to recover faster, so make sure you're eating meals rich in egg whites, chicken, fish, brown rice, almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds, according to There is evidence that zinc and vitamin C will also help you as you heal, so eat the daily recommended amount of fruit and opt for a zinc-fortified cereal in the morning.

    After Surgery

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      Expect to wear a compression garment or abdominal binder after surgery. You may also be required to wear elasticized stockings during the healing process to decrease your risk of blood clots. Follow your doctor's orders.

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      Listen to your doctor's recommendations regarding exercise. Some doctors believe that beginning a regular regime of light exercise one week post-operatively can help you heal faster. Find out how your doctor feels about this and what he thinks about walking as your form of exercise. A light exercise plan can help reduce swelling, prevent blood clots and strengthen your immune system. Take it easy, though. You will need a minimum of six weeks to heal to the point of introducing a more challenging workout.

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      Be patient. Your surgeon will likely remove the stitches from your mini tummy tuck within five to seven days of surgery. He will give you a schedule as to when to change dressings, as well as when you can begin to shower and exercise. As tempted as you may be to get back to life as normal, don't push it. Your body is counting on you to take it easy in order to properly heal.

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