Ways to Raise Money for an Operation
Donation Cans
One easy way to raise money for an operation is to go to area businesses and ask them to place a small box or can near the register asking for donations. Print up stickers with your picture and a short description of the type of surgery you are trying to fund. People will often drop their spare change into the donation can to help support a good cause.
Charity Dinner
A charity dinner can be a profitable way to raise extra money to fund an operation. Ask your church or school to sponsor a spaghetti or barbecue dinner. Find an area restaurant that is willing to donate food or offer a significant discount. Print up posters inviting church members and other neighbors to your charity dinner. Charge a set fee for each dinner plate, and place a donation can where plates are purchased so that generous guests can contribute additional funds if they wish.
Garage Sale
Turn all those old trinkets and clothes into cash by holding a garage sale. Sell any items around the house that are going to waste and just taking up extra space. Also set up a table with a poster and donation can explaining your circumstances. In addition to selling your old things, consider selling baked goods, soda or water to bring in even more income.