What to Do About Tiredness From a Heart & Lung Machine?
Combating Tiredness
Tiredness is a common side effect of any type of surgery or major medical procedure. The trauma of the surgery combined with whatever medical condition you had that required surgery or intervention with a heart and lung machine can definitely make you tired and more fatigued than usual. A heart and lung machine in particular affects the respiratory system, circulatory system and kidneys, and until they are stabilized and functioning normally, tiredness should be expected.
It's not uncommon for heart and lung patients to spend several days sleeping after the procedure. Resting is your body's way of easing the demands placed upon your internal organs. While you are resting or sleeping, your body will be busy filtering out any leftover anesthesia and blood-thinning medications (which are given during the usage of a heart and lung machine to prevent blood clots) and repairing any residual damage to organs.
Give yourself plenty of time to rest after you have been on a heart and lung machine. Follow all instructions from your doctor and nurses, and do not push yourself to do too much, too soon. Take any medications as recommended, and follow a diet that is low in fat and sugar, and high in nutrients. Supplement your diet with a multi-vitamin if you are experiencing a loss of appetite. Drink plenty of clear fluids, and avoid caffeinated beverages.
Make sure that any incisions are properly healing and that you are getting an adequate amount of sleep before returning to work or resuming any exercise routines. Over-taxing your body too soon after being on a heart and lung machine can wear down your immune system and cause the tiredness and fatigue to return.