Patient Instructions for a PET Scan
Abstain from drinking or eating anything six hours before your PET scan. The only exception to this is clear water, which you may drink at any time. If you have special medications that you take, first check with your doctor if you can. In most cases, this is not a problem and you can chase them down with a drink of water. Drinking water throughout the time leading up to the scan is a good idea if you have veins that lab technicians normally have a difficult time accessing with a needle. When you arrive, you will receive an injection of a sugar-based isotope. If you drink plenty of water, it usually makes for veins that are more prominent and makes accessing them less problematic.
What to Wear
Wear loose fitting clothing to your PET scan. You want to be as comfortable as you can be. The best outfit to wear is a set of sweat pants and a short-sleeved shirt if possible. Most PET scan rooms are set at 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, so you might need a sweatshirt if this seems too chilly. You cannot wear anything metallic in the scan so avoid wearing anything with metal in it, such as jeans with metal buttons and a metal zipper. Leave all your jewelry at home and you will have one less thing to worry about. Wear a sports bra if you are a woman since many bras possess metal in them. A PET scan is not as enclosed as a CT scan is but if you have claustrophobic tendencies then make yourself a blindfold to wear inside the scan. This will keep you from feeling panicked in a tight space. If this will not help, ask about a sedative to keep you relaxed, but have someone available to drive you home.
Diabetic's Strategy
If you suffer from diabetes, attempt to keep your glucose level below the 200 mark before a PET scan. Your glucose level is a measurement of the amount of glucose in your blood, with the measurement given in terms of mg per deciliter; a level of 100 constitutes a normal reading. Given your history of diabetes, someone will check this level prior to the scan. The level of sugar in your blood influences the images, making this a very important point. A level that exceeds 200 will prevent you from having your scan. Consume a low-carbohydrate and low-sugar diet during the 24 hours before the PET scan. Stay away from foods high in carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice and pasta as well as dairy products like milk and ice cream. A breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausages and black coffee six hours before the scan will hold you over until after the scan. Talk to your physician about how to approach your insulin medication; normally, you should not take long-lasting insulin the night before the scan or regular insulin within four hours of the scan.
More Instructions
Stay as still as possible once inside the PET scan. It takes between 45 and 60 minutes for the isotope injection to circulate properly throughout your body, during which time you can sit and relax. Bring something interesting to read or a puzzle to do to keep your mind off the scan. The actual scan itself lasts from half an hour to 45 minutes. Avoid such activities as chewing gum, eating hard candy, taking breath mints or using cough syrup the 24 hours leading up to your PET scan. Do not smoke for the six hours before the examination if you want the best results. Limit your activity level the day before as well, avoiding strenuous exercising.