What to Expect From Liposuction
A liposuction patient cannot have anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery. Loose-fitting clothing should be worn on the day of the surgery, and a ride home should be arranged.
Liposuction can be an outpatient procedure. Extensive liposuction requires a short hospital stay. After the surgery, patients may be required to have one or more drainage tubes inserted under the skin for a day or two to reduce fluid buildup.
Liposuction patients should expect minor contour imperfections in their skin such as dents or lumps. A person will also be in pain for at least a few days after the surgery, and she may need pain medication. Nausea or vomiting, blood clots and infection could occur.
Special Needs
A patient will wear an elastic dressing, girdle or body stocking over the treated area to control bleeding and swelling after surgery. The garment should be worn for one to three weeks after surgery. After that time, it should be worn during the day for one to three more weeks.
Recovery usually takes two to four weeks, but some swelling can last months. Stitches will likely be removed in a week to 10 days. A patient should not engage in heavy activity until at least a month after the procedure. Many patients think they will look as they desire directly after surgery, and this can lead to depression.