What Is Whipple Surgery?

The Whipple Surgery, also called pancreaticoduodenectomy, was first performed in the 1930s by Allen Oldfather Whipple. It is the most commonly performed operation to treat pancreatic cancer.
  1. Features

    • In the Whipple operation, the head of the pancreas, a portion of the bile duct, the gall bladder and the duodenum is removed. After the organ removal, the remaining pancreas and the bile duct are attached to the small intestine to direct the bile back into the gut.

    Reasons for surgery

    • A Whipple operation is performed for cancer of the head of the pancreas, cancer of the duodenum, cholangiocarcinoma, and cancer of the ampulla. It may also be performed for benign disorders such as chronic pancreatitis.


    • There are possible complications that can arise after the surgery. These are infections, bleeding, leaking, problems emptying the stomach, inflammation of the pancreas and failure of organs.


    • Most patients stay in the hospital approximately 2 to 3 weeks. Individuals may experience pain and weakness after the procedure. Nausea and constipation may also be present.

    After Effects

    • Complications may still arise from the surgery. Patients should contact their doctor if these symptoms appear: fever, worsening pain, redness or swelling around the incision, if the incision area is warm, or if it is draining.

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